----------------------------------------- --------- KNOWN ISSUES - 0.17.0 -------- ----------------------------------------- ------ GAMEPLAY ------- - If you are lucky, your pulse lasers occasionally will fire an additional laser pulse. Despite being useful in some situations, this is not intended. Sorry! :) - In the Coupled Unlocked mode, when the reticule is very close to the center of the screen, the torso will stop moving, but the reticule will keep trying to recenter. - BA SRMs always update in the HUD correctly whether they are selected or not, but only after they have been selected once after a respawn happened. After they have been selected, weapons can be switched, and they will always update correctly. - When left empty, each BA SRM tube needs to be manually reloaded (can be initiated by using the fire button) - BA hardmount MG cannot be fired during SRM reload while the SRM are selected - BA arm remains in position when hardmount MG is expended - weapon switch clears it - BA hardmount MG triggers "reloading" state on one of the SRM indicators when they are selected - BA hardmount MG lacks a muzzleflash effect. (it was heavily bugged) Tracers still work properly, however. - Bpod hit detection remains buggy - In rare cases directly after buying an asset, a mixed weapon group will only fire for one cycle and then stop. Works normally after that. - BA will show up as both air and surface targets - Upon entering a Heavy Vtol your Free Reticule setting will be forced to On (Off is not supported on them) since this is a global setting, next time you get in a mech it will still be on, so if you prefer off in mechs you will need to press the button to turn it off every time after you take a heavy vtol. ---- GAME SYSTEMS ----- - Crashes can happen. Workarounds are available in the Troubleshooting guide. - You might get stuck in the connecting screen. This depends on your ISP, but if that happens, a workaround is available in our Troubleshooting guide. ------- AUDIO --------- - Due to a hack required for new leg sets and animations to create footstep sounds and footstep effects, all mechs will play one footstep sound anytime they come to a complete stop even though they are not moving. -------- MAPS --------- - TC_Palisades: Both ASF factories will only build one ASF at a time. - TC_Tukayyid trees may still cause some convergence issues when aiming directly at them. We are working on a permanent solution to this, but the most prominent issue with the trees has been resolved - TC_Scorched on low settings may cause blinding issues in the water -------- HUD ---------- - Certain HUD elements might overlap other UI elements. - BA SRM ammo counter does not update until the weapon was selected and the reload on them was triggered once - There is a hang up in frames when you switch targets when using the tank HUD. - BA SRM ammo counter states you have one ammo when you spawn, which you do not. This could not be easily fixed as it is a default state problem rather than it reading your actual ammo. Once you switch to the weapon, it will read your actual ammo and update. ------ CONTROLS ------- - DirectInput Joystick support has been removed due to instability. You can continue using your joystick by following this guide: https://wiki.mechlivinglegends.net/index.php/Joystick_Setup -------- VISUAL ------- - Enabling R_TexturesStreaming 1 will result in several material features being unsupported, which will cause several unintended graphical problems. - Sometimes solid yellow camo looks like gold on certain assets - Sometimes darker camos will appear to have a uniform sheen over them in certain lighting, this is because the gloss in diffalpha feature fails, which many older assets rely on for their specular data. It is unclear why this happens. ----------------------------------------- ------------- VERSION 0.17.0 ------------ ----------------------------------------- ----- GAMEPLAY ------ - New Assets - New Clan Light Mech Hellion (30t); ticket cost 3; tier 5 - Note that the called up missile box launchers will count as side torso but will fall off when destroyed and reappear when repaired (like uziel side torsos). This was done because splitting lightmech armor up into externals would be too punishing for survivability and the plug and play nature of the loadouts would make keeping track of them on the paperdoll a chore. -Known issue: the hellion has two footfalls at full gallop but sounds only play for one, this will be addressed going forward. - New Clan Medium Mech Lobo (40t); ticket cost 6; tier 7 - New InnerSphere Medium Mech Enfeild (50t); ticket cost 7; tier 7 - Weapons - ERATMs now have kinetic-air damage type from missile for the purposes of bonus damage against aircraft. This has also resulted in small bonus damage against tanks and hovercraft but since they were quite awful against those assets to begin with the difference will not be too noticable. - Reduced offset_factor(spread) of StreakSRMs to 1.3 from 1.4. Since spread will effectively decrease the further the missile cloud flies, the clan versions were hitting more accurately at their max range than their IS counterparts were hitting at their own maxrange, this should alliviate the problem. - Increased firing speed of the MRM40 so that the total firing time better matches the 30 and 20. - Removed trivial (.003) heat from Mgun firing and set it to 0, while they never gained any heat from firing this might have been reducing cooling while firing by adding nonzero heat. - Reduced maxspread on Mguns to .3 from .4 - Added Vtol_UAC20 variant which flies slower and only to ground max range (~350m) for use on the Anhur. - Shadowcat - Fix for missing halfton on the Prime (went into armor) - Fix for overtonnage on the F; (lost some armor and a heatsink) - Harasser - Retooled massbox and suspension/engine setup in an attempt to address stability issues with remaining upright. - Orion - Changed forward buy rules to be based off engine type rather than speed. All XL engines are backbuy while all Light engines are forward buy. - Warhammer - Reduced base chassis cost by 1k. - Tier 10->9 - Rifleman - Tier 8->9 - Bushwacker - Increased max turn-speed to 1.1 from 1.0 - Warhawk(Masakari) - Increased maxheat curve to 915c from 900c. The warhawk in CBT was based heavily on high heat energy loadouts+targeting computer; since we dont have a targeting computer and our heat system is more punishing to clan mechs overall than it is in CBT, we've slightly increased the heat capacity of the warhawk against all other mechs to help it better standout in its role against competing options. - Anhur/Karnov - Tweaked the following damage modifiers; Energy 1.0x->1.1x; Energy-air 1.05x -> 1.1x; Heavykinetic 1.0x->1.2x. While Hvtol survivability is in a good place when being properly teamshot (as they usually will be) the damage from lasers and Gauss was a bit disappointing when managing to hit them. - Variant tweaks or changes - Regulator Prime, E - Morrigu Prime - Demolisher Prime ------ BUG FIXES ------ - Fixed Warhammer lowerarms not following free reticule properly. - Fixed Huit normals texture being incorrect file type. - Fixed various material errors which may have been taxing the game causing instability. - Fixed Loki lower arms not following free reticule properly and having hitbox issues. - Fixed silent UAC2s on Corsair B - Fixed missing buy menu data on Vtols and Orion falsely claiming to have a STD engine rather than a Lt engine. ------- AUDIO --------- - Note; due to heavily outdated project source files having to be used to add new mech engine sounds, some mech sound tweaks from the past few updates might no longer be included. =/ ---- GAME SYSTEMS ----- - Recompressed and optimized entire texture library for more efficent vram usage; this includes all major paks and resulted in significant storage savings for some of them. Further, this may reduce performance drain from the HUD elements as the were completely uncompressed! - CapturePoint can now be triggered manually, enabling flow graph re-synchronization across clients. (mapper stuff) ------ VISUAL ------ - Retooled the materials and texture sets for every single playable vehicle to save on vram when possible and improve usage of specular layers for better detail visibility. - All camo materials are now based on their original materials rather than a blanket standard one which should mean they better retain their details and look less bland. - Updated default graphics.cfg and autoexec.cfg.